We make sure that people learn what they are taught and get involved in an amusing and fun way.
Impact on the outcome
We simulate the workplace, making it easy for them to put what they have learned into practice. By doing so, we create an interactive experience that helps reinforce the concepts that have been covered.
+ Impact on the outcome
It is time to put what has been learned into practice at the workplace and measure the real impact on day-to-day productivity using key indicators within the solution.
++ Impact on the outcome

What do we achieve with A.S.I.?

Simulating workstation

  • Optimising results and investment in training

    Ikasplay solutions offer metrics which make it possible to measure the impact and improve performance and productivity obtained thanks to the training.

  • Training is elevated to a new status

    Ikasplay solutions are 100% made-to-measure and adapted to each particular case and each online platform used by the company.

  • Higher motivation and team participation

    Ikasplay solutions enable internal competition in teams which increases participation, involvement and improves the results of training.

  • Higher individual motivation and participation rate in the training process.

    Ikasplay solutions enable internal competition in teams which increases participation, involvement and improves the results of training.